Early Medical Terms & Diseases

Ablepsy- Blindness

Addison's Disease- Symptoms are weakness, weight loss low blood pressure gastrointestinal distress as well as a brownish skin pigmentation.

Aglutition- found in records of colonial deaths…the inability to swallow.

Ague- Malaria Fever

American Plague- Yellow Fever

Anasarca- Massive Edema

Ancome- an ulcerous swelling or boil.

Aphonia- Laryngitis

Aphtha- Thrush(infant disease)

Apoplexy- The paralysis caused by a stroke

Asphycsia/Asphicsia- Cyanotic and lack of oxygen

Asthenia- lack of movement…bed-fast

Atrophy- wasting away or diminishing in size

Bad Blood- Syphilis

Barrel Fever- Sickness associated with drinking alcoholic beverages.

Bilious Fever- Jaundice caused by liver disease

Black Jaundice- disease cause by contact with infected rat's urine.

Black Lung- Disease caused by inhaling of coal dust.

Black plague or Black Death- Bubonic plague

Black Fever- Acute infection associated with high fever and darks skin lesions and in most cases death

Black Pox- Black Small Pox

Black Vomit- caused by ulcers or yellow fever

Blackwater Fever- Dark urine associated with Fever

Bladder in throat- Diphtheria

Blood poisoning- Bacterial infection; Septicemia

Bloody flux- Bloody stools

Bloody sweat- sweating sickness

Bone Shave- Sciatica

Brain Fever- Meningitis

Breakbone- Dengue Fever

Bright’s Disease- Chronic inflammation of the kidneys

Bronchial Asthma- Breathing disorder with spasming of bronchial tubes wheezing and difficulty breathing outward. May also be accompanied by coughing and tightness in chest.

Bronze John- Yellow Fever

Bule- swelling usually associated with tumor or boil

Cachexy- Malnutrition

Cacogastric- upset stomach

Cacospysy- irregular pulse

Caduceus- epilepsy or falling sickness

Camp Fever- Typhus; aka camp diarrhea

Canine Madness- Rabies; hydrophobia

Carditis- Inflammation of the heart wall.

Canker- ulcers of the mouth of herpes simplex

Catalepsy- Seizures/trances

Catarrhal- Nose or throat discharge from cold or allergy

Cerebritis- Inflammationof the cerebrum or lead poisoning

Chilblain- Swelling of the arms or legs due to extreme exposure to cold temp

Child Bed Fever- Infection following birth of a child

Chin cough- Whooping cough

Chlorosis- anemia(iron deficiency)

Cholera- Acute severe contagious diarrhea with intestinal lining sloughing

Cholera morbus- adominal cramps nausea fever(somes appendicitis is called this)

Cholecystotis- Inflammation of the gall bladder

Cholelithiasis- Gall stones

Chorea- convultion and dancing are symptoms of this disease

Cold Plague- Ague with chills

Colic- abdominal pain and cramping

Commotion- Concussion

Congestive Chills- Malaria with loose diarrhea

Consumption- Tuberculosis

Congestion- any build up of fluid in an organ(usually lungs)

Congestive fever- Malaria

Corruption- Infection

Coryza- a cold

Costiveness- Constipation

Cramp colic- Appendicitis

Crop sickness- verextended stomach

Croup- laryngitis, diphtheria or strep throat

Cyanosis- Dark skin color due to lack of oxygen in the blood

Cynanche- Disease of the throat

Cystitis- Inflammation of the Bladder

Day Fever- Fever lasting one day; sweating sickness

Debility- Lack of movement or staying in bed

Decrepitude- Feebleness due to old age

Delirium tremens- Hallucinations due to alcoholism

Dengue- Infectious fever (primarily found in East Africa)

Dentition- Cutting of Teeth

Deplumation- Tumor of the eyelids(causes hair loss)

Diary Fever- A fever that lasts one day

Diptheria - Contagious disease of the throat

Distemper- usually an animal disease symptoms are malaise, nose and throat discharge and anorexia

Dock Fever- Yellow Fever

Domestic Illness- a "nice" way of saying mental breakdown, depression or other illness which renders its victim housebound and most times in need of medical support.

Dropsy- Edema(swelling) often caused by kidney or heart disease

Dropsy of the Brain- Encephalitis

Dry Bellyache- Lead Poisoning

Dyscrasy- an abnormal body condition

Dysentery- Inflammation of colon with frequent passage of mucous and blood

Dysorexy- reduced appetite

Dyspepsia- Indigestion and heartburn. Heart attack symptoms

Dysury- Difficulty in urination

Eclampsy- Symptoms of epilepsy, convultions during labor

Ecstasy- A form of catalepsy characterized by loss of reason

Edema- Nephrosis; swelling of tissue

Edema of lungs- Congestive heart failure, a form of dropsy

Eel thing- Erysipelas

Elephantiasis- a form of Leprosy

Encephalitis- swelling of brain also known as sleeping sickness

Enteric Fever- Typhoid Fever

Enteritis- Inflammation of the bowels

Enterocolitis- Inflammation of the intestines

Epitaxis- Nose bleed

Erysipelas- Contagious skin disease, due to Streptococci with lesions

Excrescense- disfiguring outgrowth of skin.

Extraverted blood- Rupture of a blood vessel

Falling sickness- Epilepsy

Fatty Liver- Cirrhosis of the Liver

Fits- Sudden attack or seizure of muscle activity

Flux- An excessive flow or discharge of fluid like hemorrhage or diarrhea

Flux of humour- Circulation

French pox- Syphilis

Galloping Consumption- Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Gathering- a collection of pus

Glandular Fever- Mononucleosis

Goiter- non-cancerous enlargement of thyroid glands associated with iodine deficiency

Gout- Painful inflammation, usually of the joints in the hands or feet and is found mostly in males

Gravel- Kidney Stones

Graves Disease- Disorder of the Thyroid Gland

Great pox- Syphilis

Green Fever or Green Sickness- anemia

Grippe/Grip- Influenza like symptoms

Grocer’s Itch- skin disease caused by mites in sugar or flour

Heart Sickness- condition cause by sodium deficiency

Heat stroke- Body temp. elevates because of environment and body does not perspire to reduce temp

Hectical Complaint- Recurrent fever

Hematemesis- Vomiting blood

Hematuria- Bloody urine

Hemiplegy- Paralysis of one side of the body

Hip Gout- Osteomylitis

Horrors- Delirium Tremens

Hydrocephalus- enlarged head, water on the brain

Hydro pericardium- Heart dropsy

Hydrophobia- Rabies

Hydrothorax- Dropsy in Chest

Hypertrophic- Enlargement of organ like the heart

Impetigo- Contagious skin disease characterized by pustules

Inanition- Physical condition resulting from lack of food

Infantile paralysis- Polo

Intestinal colic- Abdominal pain due to improper diet

Jail Fever- Typhus

Jaundice- Condition caused by blockage of intestines

King’s Evil- Tuberculosis of neck and lymph glands

Kruchhusten- Whooping Cough

Lagrippe- Influenza

Lockjaw- A sympton of Tetanus(which see)

Long Sickness- Tuberculosis

Lues disease- Syphilis

Lues Venera- Venereal disease

Lumbago- Back Pain

Lung Fever- Pneumonia

Lung Sickness- Tuberculosis

Lying in- Time of delivery of infant

Malignant sore throat- Diphtheria

Mania- Insanity

Marasmus- Progessive wasting away of body, like malnutrition

Membranous Croup- Diphtheria

Meningitis- Inflations of brain or spinal cord

Metritis- Inflammation of uterus or purulent vaginal discharge

Miasma- Poisonous vapors thought to infect the air

Milk Fever- Disease from Drinking contaminated milk

Milk Leg- Postpartum thrombophlebitis

Milk Sickness- Disease from milk of cattle which had eaten poisonous weeds

Mormal- Gangrene

Morphew- Scurvy blisters on the body

Mortification- Gangrene of necrotic tissue

Myelitis- Inflammation of the spine

Myocarditis- Inflammation of heart muscles

Narrowchestedness- emphysema

Necrosis- Mortification of bones or tissue

Nephrosis- Kidney Degeneration

Nepritis- Inflammation of Kidneys

Nervous prostration- Extreme exhaustion from inability to control physical and mental activities

Neuralgia- Described as discomfort, such as Neuralgia in head….(headache)

Nostalgia- Homesickness

Palsy- Paralysis or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles.

Paroxysm – Convulsion

Pemphigus- Skin disease of watery blisters

Pericarditis- Inflammation of Heart

Peripneumonia- Inflammation of Lungs

Peritonotis- Inflammation of abdominal area

Petechial Fever- Fever characterized by skin spotting

Phrenitis- at one time inflammation of the brain with fever and delirium: later inflammation of the diaphragm

Phthiriasis- Lice infestation

Phthisis- Chronic wasting away or a name for tuberculosis

Pityriasis Rosea- skin condition usually mild and sometimes is confused with ringworm

Plague- acute febrile highly infectious disease with a high fatality rate

Pleurisy- Any pain in the chest area with each breath

Podagra- Gout

Poliomyelitis- Polio Potter’s asthma; Fibroid pthisis

Pott’s Disease- Tuberculosis of spine

Pox - Syphilis

Protein Disease- Once a common childhood disease that caused the kidneys to leak protein; Secondary allergic reaction to some kinds of Strep Infections.

Puerperal exhaustion- Death due to child birth

Puerperal Fever- Fever after giving birth

Puking Fever- Milk Sickness

Putrid Fever- Diphtheria

Pyaemia- Blood-poisoning caused by pus-forming bacteria released from an abscess.


Remitting Fever- Malaria

Rheumatism- any disorder associated with pain in the joints

Rickets- disease of the skeletal system

Rose Cold- Hay Fever or allergy symptoms

Rubella- German measles

Sanguineous crust- scab

Scarlatina- Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever- a disease characterized by red rash

Scarlet rash- Roseola

Sciatica- Rheumatism in the hips

Scirrhus- Cancerous tumors

Scotomy- Dizziness nausea and dimness of sight

Scrivener’s Palsy- Writer’s cramp

Screws- Rheumatism

Scrofula- Tuberculosis of neck lymph glands(progresses slowly and usually found in a young person)

Scrumpox- Skin disease impetigo

Scurvy- Lack of vitamin C symptoms are spongy gums, weakness, and hemorrhages under skin

Septicemia- Blood poisoning

Shakes- Delirium Tremens

Shaking- chills, ague

Shingles- viral disease with skin blisters

Ship Fever- Typhus

Siriasis- Inflammation of the brain due to sun exposure

Sloes- Milk Sickness

Small Pox- Contagious disease with fever and blisters

Spanish Influenza- Epidemic Influenza

Spina Bifida- Deformity of the spine

Spotted Fever- Either typhus or meningitis

Sprue- Tropical disease characterized by intestinal disorders and sores in the throat

St. Anthony’s Fire- characterized by bright red areas of skin

St. Vitas Dance- Ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex involuntary jerking movements

Stomatitis- Inflammation of the mouth

Stranger’s Fever- Yellow Fever

Strangery- Rupture

Sudor anglicus- Sweating sickness

Summer complaint- Diarrhea, usually in infants caused by spoiled milk

Sunstroke- elevated temperature due to environment as well as sodium deficiency

Swamp Sickness- Could be malaria, typhoid or encephalitis

Sweating Sickness- Infectious and fatal disease common to UK in 15th century

Tetanus- Infectious fever characterized by high fever, headache and dizziness and "lockjaw". Untreated, it is fatal in 8 days

Thrombosis- Blood clot inside the blood vessel

Thrush- spots on the mouth lips and throat (usually in infants)

Tick Fever- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Toxemia of Pregnancy- Eclampsia

Trench Mouth- Painful ulcers found on gum line, caused by poor nutrition and poor hygiene

Tussis convulsive- Whooping cough

Typhus- Infectious fever characterized high fever, headache and dizziness

Variola- Smallpox

Venesection- Bleeding

Viper’s Dance- St. Virus Dance

Water on Brain- Enlarged head(hydrocephalus)

White Plague- Tuberculosis

White Swelling- Tuberculosis of the bone

Whitlow--a boil or ulcerous swelling

Wiel's Disease- Disease passed by contact with the urine of infected Rats.

Winter Fever- Pneumonia

Womb Fever- Infection of the Uterus

Worm Fit- Convulsions associated with worms, teething, high fever and diarrhea

Yellowjacket-Yellow Fever

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